Soda Water and Healthy Alternative Drinks

Soda Water and Healthy Alternative Drinks

Are you curious about how homemade soda water can be consumed in our daily life? 

It is very well known that we are in charge of the kitchen and what goes into our system. Hence, we definitely need to have some fun experimenting with our soda water by adding some different kinds of fruits, the pulp of fruits, or chia seeds for garnishing. Isn’t it cool? 

So, we at Oh Bubbles did research on how many different ways can you consume soda water. Do not worry we have kept in our mind about your health and taste buds both at the same time while we were making a list of alternative ideas. So Here you go!

1) Soda Water with fruits

We understand plain soda water can be too boring at times. Try mixing lemon/ ginger/ mint/ kiwi/ orange/ sweet lime or watermelon to your glass of soda. It will not enhance your taste buds it will give you a wide range of options to keep you hydrated all the time.

2) Soda Water with Smoothies

 Blend your fruit and vegetable into smoothies add a little amount of soda water. Your smoothie will give you a fizzy taste which will make you feel so fresh. 

3) Soda Water with Apple Cider Vinegar

This one is a deadly combination that will fill your body with nutrients. We all know ACV tastes awful but we have found a way to make it taste delightful. Use 1tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 cup of soda water, 1tbsp of maple syrup/stevia, and ice. You will not regret this and we are sure this will turn into your all-time favorite soon!

4) Soda Water with Spices

Add spices such as ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, or black pepper to your glass of soda water trust me it works wonders for your digestive system. Just add 1tsp of any of these spices or a combination of any two spices to 1 glass of soda water and enjoy your drink.

5) Soda Water with Coconut Water

We are well aware of the fact that consuming coconut water regularly is amazing for our health. Imagine if you could mix soda water with coconut water it will naturally be a refreshing drink filled with antioxidants, electrolytes, potassium which in return will boost the energy needed to post our workouts/runs. 

Don’t be surprised all of these methods are tried and tested. So, go ahead and give them all a try. Also, let us know if you have any other ideas to mix our soda water with. We could try them too and share it!

All of these can be possible if you already have a soda maker with you and if you don’t have one just order it already. Once you own it you will be able to control what flavors you put in, you’re also able to control how much of it goes in. 

Drinking an adequate amount of fluids every day just got a lot more interesting! Stay tuned for more updates!
